1 & 3 are major for me. Lost connection to meaningful work and lost connection to like minded people. Meaningful work is something I've been struggling with the moment I started working (already 9 years ago) - I can't seem to find a job that feels meaningful enough to me. But I discovered I can find this meaning in writing - which is awesome.

Lost connection to like minded people is something I'm experiencing more the last couple of years. I worked a lot on myself and changed. But that means losing connection with my friends - they didn't change as I did, so there's a kindoff mismatch going on. I still love them, but I crave deeper connection with more like minded people.

Thank you for another great piece!

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I understand this so well, dear Marie! Especially what you said about the fulfillment gained through the writing process and looking for more meaningful connections. I feel like our generation (Millennials) and Gen Z are particularly impacted by this, I definitely see a cultural and value-related shift which makes interacting on a deep level a lot harder. I can relate a lot to what you wrote 🤍!

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Katharina Sc

It is like balancing between asking for help and doing things on our own.

I resonated with the focus on stuff like finding meaningful work and good relationships, so we can feel more in charge. By finding this balance, we can feel more in charge of our lives and handle tough situations better.

The journey is ours to travel and sometimes, we are the ones with the answers that no one can provide.

This article caused me to re-examine, thanks for this Katharina.

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Thank you so much, Tinashe! I agree, work is such an important aspect of our lives - I draw a lot of inspiration and input from your great articles in this respect! I love your practical advice about building our professional brand and showing up to work. 🏆🤗

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Apr 22Liked by Katharina Sc

I particularly appreciate the emphasis on reconnecting with our core values and seeking meaningful connections with others who share those values. It highlights the importance of quality over quantity in relationships and the need for authenticity and vulnerability. Overall, while we may not always have control over external circumstances, we can still take proactive steps to cultivate a sense of purpose and agency in our lives.

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💯%, Mo Issa! Thank you so much for your kind comment 🤍!

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Good sound advice Katharina. It's a hectic roller coaster out there and learning to roll w/ it is indeed a lifesaver. Thanks!

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Thank you so much, dear Jeanine! 💕

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Very welcome!

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Such an important post, Katharina. It takes a lot of skill to find balance in a life where a lot may be out of our control - jobs that don't pay enough to keep up with rising cost of living, a dating scene where people need each other increasingly less, friends that are genuinely caught up in their lives and cannot be there for us as much as we'd want...

We must fight to rekindle these much needed connections - to work, nature, values, like-minded people, and most importantly, to the self.

We keep talking about it on here, and we cannot get tired of conversing about this: life isn't as simple as just functioning in a system. It's a lot more than going to school, getting a job, marrying someone, raising kids, etc.

There are things no one can give me, because no one knows how to. It is my job to know them, appreciate their importance, and find them for myself. A good place to begin is establishing the connections you so eloquently discuss.

Thank you, as always, Katharina.

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Thank you so much for your kind comment 🙏, dear Patrick! And yes, growing up I imagined life to be a lot easier and … straightforward. It definitely helps to learn that many people feel like this and we’re not alone in our experiences after all. I wish you the best weekend! 🤗🤍

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This is amazing. If you’d like more content like this check out my intentional living weekly newsletter. I hope it adds value to your life!

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Thank you so much for this piece, I love it so much. Chronic unhappiness (not necessarily depression) is what happens when we’re unable to close the gap between our expectations and how our lives actually unfold in reality. I agree with everything you said in this post. One more thing I would say is adding uncertainty to our expectations can help. I personally hate uncertainty, but if I leave room for it in my expectations the hits are more bearable. Basically factoring in potential chaos and things going out of control from the get-go, although somewhat an illusion, gives a sense of control (like, “I knew this was a possibility and I mentally prepared for it.) Also, from a spiritual perspective, I would add that it’s not just other people who play a role in the outcomes of our lives but the universe’s orchestration (actually I would categorize “other people” under the universe’s orchestration!) It’s like a dance. We take a step, the universe takes a step and we just have to try to be nimble enough to keep moving forward in the dance with the universe. It’s hard, and I wish it weren’t like this, but we can do it!

And finally, a huge YES to striking a balance between things that are in our control (ourselves) and things that are a gamble/uncertain in life to make us feel less out of control.

Awesome piece, thanks again!

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I loved your comment, dear Ola! Very valuable and helpful approaches how to better deal with uncertainty. I hate uncertainty, too 😀! Yes, keeping our expectations low and factoring in things not working out can definitely soften the blow of disappointment. I very much appreciate you taking the time! 🤍

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May 8Liked by Katharina Sc

Thank you!!

It become extreme after covid... I'm working my way back... 🙌🌸

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Same, dear An K. 🤗

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May 8Liked by Katharina Sc


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Maybe loss of control itself is not a fun phenomenon, but the feeling of losing control is a necessary one. That feeling is like one's intuition saying that something is wrong or off and imploring one to fix it. As you said, loss of control often happens in areas like work, the environment, and values, and when this feeling appears, one should consider why they feel that way and work to rectify the disconnect. This is a very enlightening piece; thank you for sharing! 

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Thank you so much for your kind comment, Bethel! 🤍🫶

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