Great article! I love how you talk about the way self-love creates a glow around people. The thoughts, vibration and energy we operate from are so powerful, and I believe magnetize life experiences to us. I also used to repress all my emotions, and looking back, it created like a dark ball of energy inside of me. So much energy was spent holding back how I felt, wondering how I should act or what I should say so people would like me, and you're right — it is inauthentic. Feeling free, at peace with who we are, is everything. That sense of take me or leave me, this is who I am.

I also love the signs you mentioned, and would add just one: animals love you! I feel like animals are wonderful sensors of energy and always pick up when something is off.

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You are so right about the animal point, Suzanne! I fully agree with that. I feel children and animals are the purest beings, they really sense someone’s energy. An excellent point and thank you so much for your kind comment! 🤍🤗☀️

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Really great tips, Katharina! Thanks for posting. One more that I think is important is authenticity. That's a very attractive trait, and it's something people readily connect with. It's also a way of genuinely being in a state of flow.

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So, so true, Diana! 🤍 Thank you so much for your kind comment!

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until very very recently, i was getting angry at so many strangers staring at me and trying to talk to me. then i realized it's because they found me compelling, and that's not a bad thing! i'm glad you posted this, I dont know why it took me so long to realize.

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From your photo alone, I think you have a fantastic & radiant vibe, Elizabeth! 💪🤍

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<3 thank you <3

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Looks like a good personality is like a well-made cheese—the right balance of depth, character, and a little bit of tang! If people and animals alike are drawn to us, we’re basically a magnetic charcuterie board. Just gotta let our authentic self shine—& not get too blue! 🧀✨

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Spot on, Mohika! 🤗

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Katharina, your words are so inspiring. I've always been a bit of an empath, and I love connecting with people on a deeper level. Your points about trust, empathy, and radiating warmth really speak to me. I truly believe that kindness and genuine interest in others are what make a person truly attractive. Thank you for reminding us of this important truth.

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Thank you so much for your kind comment, Alexander! I very much appreciate you taking the time! 🤗🤍

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All so very true Katharina. People want to be around people who feel good and guess that feeling comes from within. As well as children, animals pick up on it too. Great post!

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Thank you so much, Jeanine! Btw I‘m finally on summer holidays - not traveling - but I wish I was in Mexico! ☀️☀️☀️🌴🌴🌴🍹🍹🍹

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Have a great summer and well deserved vacation Katharina!!! Enjoy. And Mexico will always be there when you’re ready to go!

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Lovely post Katharina. Enjoyed reading every part of it. With the clothes part you mentioned and yes it can sound superficial. But I have noticed in myself, when I wear clothes which are aligned with my personality, they make me feel more confident in any social gathering. On the other hand, when I wear anything without a thought or with a limiting thought, there is always a conflict happening inside me, it drains my energy, have an impact on how I feel and hence has an impact on what I am experiencing outside.

Thank you for these amazing reminders :)

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Thank you so, so much, Haeneek! I wish you a fantastic day!!!

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An informative and persuasive post, Katharina. I particularly agree on standards denoting value and the reputation effect of independent thinking. If we are conscious, alert, and aware enough, it is not that hard to develop a good personality, the kind that attracts who or what we seek.

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Thank you so much as always, Patrick! 🤗🤍

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Aug 2Liked by Katharina

I see me! 🥹🥰❤️

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This is a fantastic article! Thank you, Katharina.

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More than welcome, dear C.J. - I’m finally on holiday so I have time to write again! 🤗🤗

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Enjoy your holiday! You keep writing, I'll keep reading!


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Thank you so much - I really needed it, it has been a really tough couple of weeks. I wish you a great weekend! ☀️

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❤️💕❤️ You, too.

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Positivity goes a long way. It’s the long term game, it must be our default

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