Good, relevant points. We need to be aware of the importance of self care and taking much needed breaks in order to recharge ourselves.

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This! 100%! 🏆🩵

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First weeks have been hectic 😊😊

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Take good care of you!! I know how it feels when the days are filled! 🩵

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Hello Katharina,

There are several kinds of stress. If you have to plough this huge field and get it planted before Saturday, when a week of harsh rain is due to fall, that's one kind of stress.

The other side of stress, is more "the mountains of expectations placed on us, and too often, we have to play a role that is not authentic because this is what we feel is required from us". Somehow I feel we are complicit in this second category. We chose it; and half-half, we wish we could un-choose it.

Isn't this "half-half" where the stress lies? To cure the stress, we could either really go-for-it and choose it wholeheartedly, or dump it, and rewind the whole endeavor. If we feel trapped by taking on too many obligations in the mean time, at least know, I walked my way into this, and some day I will walk my way out of it.

Another angle to look at what defines authenticity. Did I do it, meaning can I adjust it or re-do it? Or does it just come with the territory called me?


Another fruitful investigation is when you said mind-body connection, (which in that instance, I think you meant body-mind connection). It goes in both directions as far as where to apply an operation. I prefer the mind->body direction because I am sure every thought creates a feeling, a level of contraction. Maybe the thoughts are just maintaining your steady-state level of contraction, in which case it isn't noticed, but the connection is still there.

Mind is the thoughts, thoughts are words for adults reading this, and even plain pictures have verbal interpretations. Therefore much of stress is caused by your words that spring from your belief systems. In another place you said "listen to my emotional and mental triggers". It is true that emotions can create verbal descriptions, but again I prefer the other direction to be more hands-on. I suggest its the words that trigger emotions. If you can notice a correspondence, you can change the words and see if the emotions shift. They do for me. That is opening a whole field of investigation, and you can begin to steer almost every part of your world more proficiently.

Last: You said noticing the "initial signs of aging". Oh Dear! You have three of your lifetimes yet to live. Please don't go for aging at this point. You have to go in the direction of much younger first, before you start your journey toward "over the hill".

Thanks, just trying to add something.


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Great reminders. Ive benefited from all if these in the past, but its so easy to slide back into bad habits. Thanks for this!

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You are like me! 😀 I needed to make these part of my routine as well! Have a great (self care) day! 💚

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This is all so good!! The morning walk (especially when cold!) has been huge for me in so many ways. I keep hearing about intermittent fasting so curious to learn and think about more. Thanks!

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More than welcome, Bethany! I wish you a great rest of the week! 🫶

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Jan 23Liked by The Powerful You

Lovely reminder and so true about the mind body connection! The stronger my body is, the stronger my mind is in all capacities. I’ve had enough peaks and troughs to really see the difference in my mental state when I haven’t been exercising as much. I also really appreciate the tip about rewarding ourselves -- I like to set goals and at the same time I’ll nominate some kind of reward, deliberately choosing something to aim for. That means when I hit my goal I can accept the reward with some mindfulness, a little honour even, to remind myself that it was well earned. ❤️

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Thank you so much, Courtney. And yes, these little rewards can be really motivating as well. A little gesture to ourselves. We have this one life and it‘s so much better when we are good to us. 💚

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Some thoughts on moving. Some moving thoughts. https://danehrenkrantz.substack.com/p/thoughts-theyre-not-what-you-think

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I love your post, Dan - I think this is so powerful when you say: “When I spend less time focusing on my thoughts and more time focusing on how I feel in my body, I make better decisions. My thoughts can confuse me. The signals I receive from my body have greater clarity.“ Just fantastic!

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Love this message Katharina!!

One of my self-care practices that also creates mindfulness is coloring. My toddler and I have a few coloring books and a "tool box" of crayons, markers, and pencils. We love to sit and draw together.

I used to color all the time as a kid, and I love that my son has brought be back to the power of art!

Wishing you a wonderful rest of January!

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I need to try this as well, thank you so much for sharing! I wish you a great and successful rest of January as well!

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Needed this today, thank you for sharing!

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More than welcome, Lauren! 💚

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An important reminder to prioritize self-care. Journaling is amazing as well for being present. Great read Katharina.

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Love this! Thank you for sharing this advice 🫶.

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